Upper Lachlan Shire Housing Strategy and new Development Control Plan


Upper Lachlan Shire Council is pleased to advise that it is in the early stages of preparing a Housing Strategy and a new Development Control Plan for the Upper Lachlan Shire Local Government Area. Council has engaged planning consultants Currajong to assist with the project.

What is a Housing Strategy?
A Housing Strategy is a relatively new form of land-use planning policy advocated by the NSW Department of Planning, Infrastructure and Housing, as per the Local Housing Strategy Guideline 2018. Housing Strategies are being prepared by Councils throughout NSW to help guide the development of residential land-use into the future, with an emphasis on more diverse and affordable housing.

What is a Development Control Plan?
A DCP is a planning policy used by Councils in NSW to assist with the assessment of Development Applications lodged with Council. Whereas the Upper Lachlan Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2010 is a legally binding planning instrument published on the NSW Legislation website, the new Upper Lachlan DCP will be a non-statutory planning instrument that provides guidance on the following:

  • Giving effect to the aims of the Upper Lachlan LEP 2010.
  • Facilitating development that is permissible under the Upper Lachlan LEP 2010.
  • Achieving the objectives of land zones under the Upper Lachlan LEP 2010.

How can I have a say?
As part of an early engagement process, Upper Lachlan Shire Council is inviting feedback from all residents in the following ways:

  1. Online surveys – that can be taken online from 13 November 2024 to 9 December 2024 via the following link:
    Housing Strategy
    Development Control Plan

Information and feedback sessions will be held across 4 locations:
Wednesday 4th of December

Thursday 5th of December

Your ideas / inputs at an information and feedback session or by completing an online survey would be highly valued and very much appreciated by Council.

Should you wish to book a time where you can speak directly with a Council or Currajong staff member, please contact Upper Lachlan Shire Council by telephone (02) 4830 1000 or email council@upperlachlan.nsw.gov.au

There will be further opportunities for your feedback and input once the Upper Lachlan Shire Housing Strategy and new Upper Lachlan Shire Development Control Plan have been prepared and are placed on public exhibition in early 2025.