Weed Alert! St John’s Wort


Upper Lachlan Shire Council Biosecurity Officers are currently focusing their inspections and spraying throughout the shire on the highly invasive local priority plant, St John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum). St John’s Wort has a small growing season and due to dry warmer season Biosecurity Officers have noted a later start to the season as well as fewer numbers throughout the shire.

Director of Environment and Planning, Simon Arkinstall has added, “The Biosecurity Officers have such a huge area to monitor and have done a fantastic job in identifying St John’s Wort infestations and where possible, spraying to eliminate. Our Biosecurity Officers are also working with landholders to notify and assist with recommendations on controlling and when possible, how to eradicate the plant”.

St John’s Wort is an upright woody growing to up to 60cm and be identified by the bright yellow flowers that can be seen November to January. The flowers have five petals and have three bundles of long stamens growing from the centre. The leaves are a paler green on the underside as well as being opposite to each other on the stem. When the fruit is produced, it is a sticky three-celled capsule that is approximately 8mm long. The seeds are a light brown to black, up to 1mm in size and cylindrical.

Upper Lachlan Shire acknowledges that as a community many landholders are weed conscious and cooperative when it comes to the control of priority weeds on the land. It is a reminder to everyone that Under the Biosecurity Act 2015, all landholders have a General Biosecurity Duty to ensure all biosecurity risks, including weeds, are minimised, prevented or eliminated. Therefore, anyone wanting to know more to contact council and discuss options with our Biosecurity Officers”.

If you or anyone you know have concerns regarding St’ John’s Wort or other priority weeds, please contact Council Administration Staff on (02) 4830 1000.