
Work will soon recommence on slope stability work on the Wombeyan Caves Road, following a resolution at the September Ordinary Meeting of Council.
Council awarded a contract to Specialised Site Services for the amount of $1,827,051. 80 for additional slope stability work on Wombeyan Caves Road.
Chief Executive Officer Alex Waldron said that the work will see access restored to Wombeyan Karst Conservation Reserve after a lengthy absence.
“It’s been a long time since the public has had access to Wombeyan Caves due to a run of disasters and damage to infrastructure,” she said.
“The series of disasters started with the Green Wattle Creek fire that started in 2019 and went into 2020.
“That fire heavily impacted on the caves area and then flooding washed a lot of the debris into the recreation area and caves themselves, making the caves area and the caves themselves unusable.
“Slopes on the side of Wombeyan Caves Road were also damaged by the bushfire and flooding, so the road was closed in February 2020, subsequently reopened for a while but then, after further flooding and more slope slips in September 2022, the road was closed again in October 2022.
“In July 2022, Council awarded a contract for the slope stability work and in August 2022 resolved to proceed with the works as a matter of priority, but in October 2022, just as Council was poised to start that work, we had to pause the project while the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service Wombeyan Caves Tourism project was underway.
“Now we can finally resolve the slope stability problems and then, when it’s finished, reopen the road to residents of and visitors to the Shire. But while that work is being completed, it remains closed.”
The successful tenderer for the new slope works was announced as Specialised Site Services, the same company awarded the contract for the initial slope stability work.
Ms Waldron advised that the cost of the works is funded by the Australian Government under the NSW Floods declaration of 2022.
Meanwhile, the Wombeyan Caves Tourism Project is nearing completion offering improved facilities to Park users.
The $9.6 million NSW Government project includes improved accommodation, upgraded camping facilities, additional powered sites, upgraded visitor facilities (including ticket office, kiosk, café and amenities) and improved parking.