
This report was presented at the September 2023 Ordinary Meeting of Council.
Current Works
Jerrawa Road – Pavement Rehabilitation
Pavement Rehabilitation Works started in early February 2023 on the initial 1.5km of Jerrawa Road leaving Dalton. Roadside clearing, culvert replacement and upgrade and earthworks are complete. Sealing was completed in May 2023. Line marking completed. The remedial repair of seal was carried out the last week of August 2023.
This project is now complete.
Carrington Street, Crookwell – Footpath Works
Carrington Street, Crookwell footpath construction has been completed from Apex Park to the metro service station, except for a small section near the service station. Council’s Water and Sewer Department is currently waiting on a new manhole cover to be supplied following which the footpath will then be completed. Handrail is still to be installed and will be completed by mid-September 2023. Also awaiting a sewer pit collar to arrive to raise the height of the pit in the footpath.
Laggan Road MR248E Rehabilitation (Regional Roads Repair Program)
Upgrade works on Laggan Road (MR248) in Crookwell between Clifton Street and Woodward Lane addressing pavement and stormwater issues has now been completed. The only outstanding item is line marking which is expected to be completed by the end of September 2023.
Goulburn Road (MR54) – RMCC (State Road Funding)
Heavy patching is underway on five segments south of Pejar Dam. Once the patching is complete these five segments will be resealed. The batter slip north of Tuena is programmed to commence reconstruction on 2 October 2023.
The batter slip at the Abercrombie Bridge is still in design and costing phase. Natural Disaster damage works at various locations on MR54 is programmed to commence mid-October.
Resealing of Wades Hill will commence in November with the safety signage and speed reductions in place until the sealing is complete.
Routine maintenance is ongoing with the crew actively working on known problem areas.
Timber Bridge Replacements
Bridge components for all three outstanding timber bridge replacements have been delivered and construction has commenced at all three sites.
Construction on Cooksvale Road, over Peelwood River is complete. The existing structure will be removed when all three bridges have been completed.
Construction on Bridge over Burra Burra Creek on Blue Hills Road is complete with minor pavement realignment required.
Construction on Julong Road over the Crookwell River has been placed on hold following discovery of materially adverse site conditions. Additional funding from State Government is being sought.
Natural Disaster Restoration Works Program
Council crews are continually attending to unsealed roads and rehabilitation of large pavement failures of sealed section. Council has engaged contractors to both manage and undertake the storm damage restoration under the various Natural Disaster declarations.
Council has received approval for $6.08M in funding to undertake Restoration Works so far for Natural Disaster with a further amount of approximately $7.18M still pending TfNSW approval. Due to the significant amount of funding needed to restore our road network, works can only be carried out once approval has been received from TfNSW.
Funding is provided for specific roads as per Council’s submission for the event and cannot be diverted elsewhere.
Gravel Road Resheeting Program (Roads to Recovery and Section 7.11)
Council’s gravel resheeting program for the 2023/24 financial year compromises $925,000. The schedule of roads will be updated with the next works report to Council.
Upcoming Works
Peelwood Road Reconstruction (Heavy Vehicle Safety and Production Program/Fixing Local Roads 6)
Construction commenced on Peelwood Road in October 2022. Major drainage works have taken place however works were stopped due to weather conditions with an extension of time for funding approved until December 2023. Works should recommence in October 2023.
Wheeo Road Reconstruction (Heavy Vehicle Safety and Production Program/Fixing Country Roads 6)
Construction commenced on Wheeo Road in October 2022. Major drainage works have taken place however, works were stopped due to weather conditions with an extension of time for funding approved until December 2023. Works recommenced in late March 2023 with the first 1km section completed in late April 2023.
Further funding ($797k) has been secured under Fixing Country Roads Rd 6 to complete road upgrades to Hawthornes Tree Road as per original design. This work is planned for late 2023.
Breadalbane Road Reconstruction (Fixing Local Roads 4)
Survey has been completed and the design is underway. Construction of this project has been moved until after the completion of the Dalton Road Rehab project, which is now scheduled to start early October 2023.
Wombeyan Caves Road MR258
Additional funding has been received from National Parks Wildlife Service to cover cost escalations due to putting the project on hold. Further funding from Natural Disasters to rectify two new slips has recently been approved. Contractor is due to start original scope of works by mid-September 2023.
Tablelands Way (MR 256 – Taralga Rd)
Council has received grant funding from the NSW State Government to upgrade four sections of Tablelands Way (also called Taralga Road or MR256) north of Taralga.
These sections have been numbered in order of priority. Section 1 (the highest priority), is the replacement of an underperforming culvert/causeway arrangement over Burra Burra Creek with a single span bridge. Sections 2-4 are road upgrades with several curve realignments, widening and furnishing.
Detail design works on the Tablelands Way sections are complete other than the gabion retaining walls. Retaining wall design work is underway.
Detailed design of the bridge over Burra Burra Creek at Curraweela Section is complete. Council has concluded negotiations to engage a contractor to undertake the works.
Ongoing Works
Resealing Program (Fixing Local Roads Round 2)
Reseals and reseal preparation works including heavy patching have now been completed on Peelwood, Fullerton, Jerrawa, Collector, Roslyn, Bigga and Cullerin Roads.
Regional and Local Resealing programs to be delivered as normal.
Flood Warning Systems
The scope of works include the upgrade of rain gauges to automated systems in Crookwell, Taralga, Collector and Gunning and installation of a new water level gauge at Gunning. The automated rain gauges and water level gauge will include alert facilities to SES and Council.
The design stage of the project has been completed. Council has applied for a grant under the 2023-24 Floodplain Management Program to supply and install the infrastructure. The funding announcements is expected to be made by the State Department in November 2023, Council has agreed to contribute $50k.
Regional and Local Roads Repair Program (RLRRP)
Council has received funding through the Fixing Local Roads Pothole Repair Program and Regional and Local Roads Repair Program (RLRRP). This critical funding injection will ensure completion of road repairs, priority corrective maintenance works and repair of potholes on our local and regional road network. Individual roads are still to be nominated and agreed with the funding agencies. In accordance with the grant deeds, works must be completed by 1 January 2024 and 29 February 2024 respectively.
Routine Maintenance – Works in Progress/Completed Recently
Council will continue to prioritise road maintenance based on bus routes, road hierarchy, road damage and road usage. This will result in some roads being maintained as a higher priority and to a higher standard, while others will fall into lower priority category and maintained to a lower standard until the situation returns to normal.
The continued wet weather over the past two years has resulted in Council being behind on its scheduled maintenance grading requirements as some roads are requiring additional maintenance.
Council’s Infrastructure Department is not doing any private works or selling gravel from any of our pits at the moment due to the requirement to utilise all available time and resources to repair roads and maintain essential services for residents of the shire.
The current unsealed road maintenance grading and repair program is as follows.
Grading completed
- Sapphire Road
- Bullys Crossing Road
- Heffernans Lane
- Ladevale Road
- Oolong Road
- Carnells Lane
- Rye Park Road
- Little Plains Road
- Flacknell Creek Road
- Elms Road
- Rock Lodge Road
- Iron Mines Road
- Hillgrove Road
- Medways Lane
- Gunning Tip Road
- Greendale Road
- Felled Timber Road
- Dawes Road
- Learys Lane
- Prices Lane
- Gullen Flat Road
- Bannister Lane
- Woodville Road
- Lost River Road
- Kangaloolah Road
- Cuddyong Road
- Bridge Creek Road
- Peelwood Road
- Reids Flat Road
- Foggs Crossing Road
- Grabine Road
- Woodhouselee Road
In Progress/Upcoming
- Lerida Road South
- Lerida Road North
- Old Sydney Road
- Walmsleys Lane
- Old South Road
- Mutmutbilly Road
- Greenmantle Road
- Levels Road