
The following list contains road works completed in the week ending 19 January 2023, and works scheduled for the week beginning 23 January 2023.
Week ending 19/1/2023
Construction Crew
- Gunning Streets – Replace K & G drain covers.
- Collector Rd – Flood damage restoration, gravel patching and drainage.
- Ladevale Rd – Road Shoulder stabilisation & drainage.
Maintenance Grading Crew
- MR241 – Flood damage restoration, gravel patching and grading.
- A grading crew has finished some grading and gravelling work on Glenerin Rd
- Grading was complete on Wombeyan Caves Rd, Mares Forest Rd. Grading began on Langs Rd
- Patch grading and gravelling was done on Sylvia Vale Rd
Maintenance Crew
- Collector Breadalbane Rd – Tar patching.
- The crew has put 37t of premix on various sealed roads around the Shire.
- Out on Cudyong Road have been busy and the new bridge will open to traffic next week.
Scheduled work for the week starting 23/1/2023
Construction crew
- Collector Rd – Flood restoration, gravel patching and grading.
- Mullengrove Rd- Bog hole repairs and drainage.
Maintenance Grading Crew
- Grading of MR241, Pudman Creek Rd, Bevandale Rd.
- Grading to continue in the Wombeyan Caves/Taralga area.
Maintenance Crew
- Erect gravel road warning signs on Ladevale Rd, Coolalie Rd, Rugby Rd.
- Tar patching on Collector/Breadalbane Rd.
- Crews continue to work on filling potholes on various roads.
- Setting up site on Julong Road over Crookwell River, and will commence work this week.