
The following are roadworks commenced, completed or continued in the week ending 27 January, and those scheduled for the week ending 3 February 2023.
Week ending 27 January 2023
- Sylvia Vale Road: Construction crew gravelling and grading Sylvia Vale Road
- Lucky Swamp and Bridge Creek Road: Drainage crew installing pipes and drainage maintenance on Lucky Swamp and Bridge Creek Road
- Sandy Creek Grabine Road: Concrete/Bridge crew preparing to install box culverts at Sandy Creek Grabine Road
- Collector Road: Storm restoration, Maintenance Gravel Patching and Maintenance Grading.
- Mullengrove Road: Bog Hole Repairs, Drainage and Maintenance Gravel Patching.
- Pudman Creek Road: Maintenance Grading.
- Mullengrove Road: Maintenance Grading & Gravel Patching.
- Ladevale Road, Coolalie Road, Rugby Road: Erect Gravel Road Warning signs.
- Collector Road: Clean culverts & other drainage maintenance.
- Collector Streets: Tar Patching
- Cullerin Road: Tar Patching
- Other Construction crew broken up as staff on leave, filling in pot-holing various roads
Week ending 3 February 2023
- Mulgowrie Road: Construction crew gravelling and grading Mulgowrie Road.
- Boiler Hill, Reids Flat Road: Construction crew preparing for construction of Boiler Hill, Reids Flat Road
- Sandy Creek Grabine Road: Concrete/Bridge crew installing box culverts at Sandy Creek Grabine Road
- Boiler Hill, Reids Flat Road: Drainage crew installing pipes and drainage repairs Boiler Hill, Reids Flat Road
- Collector Road: Maintenance Grade and Maintenance Gravel Patching
- Oolong Road, Armour’s Road: Maintenance Grading
- Mullengrove Road, Jerrara Road, Bevendale Road, Abbeyvale Road: – Maintenance Grading & Maintenance Gravel Patching
- Collector Road: Drainage Maintenance & Storm Damage Restoration
- Cullerin Road, Collector/Breadalbane Road: Tar Patching