
Five community groups in the Upper Lachlan Shire have benefited from the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund for 2022/23.
The grants were assessed by the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund S355 Committee and were approved under Council resolution 169/22 at the July Ordinary meeting of Council.
Gullen Range Wind Farm owner and operator BJCE Australia supports the Fund with an annual financial contribution, as part of its ongoing commitment to local communities.
BJCE Australia will contribute $70,000.00 to the fund this year. With more than $30,000.00 carried over from last year, a sizeable sum was on offer for local not-for-profit groups to share.
The grants will help to fund the following projects:
Organisations | Project | Amount |
Bannister District Hall Assoc. Inc. | New gates to boost child safety | $6,000.00 |
Breadalbane Hall Committee | New doors to improve access for all | $8,808.20 |
Crookwell District Tennis Club | Crookwell Tennis Club maintenance and improvements | $40,000.00 |
Grabben Gullen Hall & Recreation Reserve Land Manager | Install a new path to improve disabled access | $26,871.24 |
Pat Cullen Reserve Development Group | Partial funding for additional picnic shelters | $28,000.00 |
TOTAL | $109,679.44 |
Derek Powell, BJCE Australia’s Deputy Managing Director, said his company was very pleased to see so many excellent applications from across the eligible area arrive this year and that he was very grateful to the efforts of the community volunteers who helped decide which should be supported.
“It’s great to see such valuable local initiatives benefit directly from the generation of safe, clean, renewable electricity from the Gullen Range turbines and we look forward to seeing even more creative and exciting applications in the years to come,” he said.
Upper Lachlan Shire Council General Manager Colleen Worthy said the Fund provides grants to projects or initiatives that benefit the community within 10km of the wind farm.
“The Wind Farm Grants make a significant contribution to their local communities in the Shire,” she said.
“It is very pleasing to see such a diverse group of projects being assisted by the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Enhancement Program in the 2022/2023 grants.”