Gunning Showground Amenities Opens to the Community


On Saturday Upper Lachlan Shire Council and community welcomed Local Member for Goulburn Wendy Tuckerman MP and Mayor Kensit to open the long awaited Gunning Showground amenities.

 Wendy Tuckerman MP said:

“I’m so pleased to finally see this project realised for the community and many users of the showground precinct. Congratulations to the Council project staff and contractors.”

Costing over $700,000 and funded by the NSW State Government via the Stronger Country Communities Fund and Showground Stimulus Program the new Amenities will bring many advantages to both general users of the Showground and sporting groups.

The new building features two new change rooms with showers and toilets, store room, canteen, referees room combined with toilet and shower facilities. The fully inclusive design also features an accessible toilet and shower with baby change facility and male/female toilets for community use. The building benefits from upgraded power, running hot and cold water, and a finished floor height 600mm higher than the existing building to eliminate systemic drainage issues.

CEO Alex Waldron said;

“This project has been delayed for a significant period of time so I’m absolutely thrilled to finally see it delivered and open for community use.”