Showing 291 - 300 of 652 results
Veolia Mulwaree Trust announces first funding recipients of 2023
Veolia Mulwaree Trust has granted almost $300,000 to 58 local community groups and organisations, in the first round of funding announced for 2023.
Alex Waldron chosen as Upper Lachlan Shire Council’s new CEO
Upper Lachlan’s Shire Council’s Acting General Manager has been selected as the Council’s new Chief Executive Officer.
Works update – 8 May 2023
The following are roadworks commenced, completed or continued in the week ending 5 May, and those scheduled for the week ending 12 May 2023.
Rural Doctors say thanks as they pass through the Shire
Members of the NSW Rural Doctors Network stopped in to Crookwell on the weekend to say thanks to the Shire for supporting the initiative.
Community keen to commemorate 2019 bushfires with murals
Members of the Crookwell Community provided their memories, insights and feedback at the “Paint the Town” session at the Crookwell Art Gallery.
Crookwell Pool construction work to continue
Following successful discussions, the Crookwell Aquatic Facility and Visitor Information Centre project will now continue with FDC Construction and Fitout.
Works update – 1 May 2023
The following are roadworks commenced, completed or continued in the week ending 28 April, and those scheduled for the week ending 5 May 2023.
Notice of Extraordinary Meeting of Council – Tuesday 9 May
A Confidential Extraordinary Meeting of Council will be held on Tuesday 9 May 2023 commencing at 2.30pm in the Council Chambers, Crookwell.
Applications open for Mayor’s Gunning Flood Appeal Funds
Council will soon be dispersing $6,273.20 in funds raised for the Mayor’s Gunning Flood Relief Appeal to successful applicants.
Replacement of damaged rural addressing plates
Council is offering residents affected by the Craig’s Road fire who have had rural addressing plates damaged or destroyed replacement plates free of charge.