Notice is hereby given that Council, in accordance with Sections 8A-8C and Sections 403-406, of the Local Government Act 1993, place on public exhibition the following suite of draft integrated planning and reporting plans:-
Draft Operational Plan 2024-2025
Resource Strategy Documents include:
Long Term Financial Plan 2024-2033
Draft Infrastructure Plan 2024-2033
Draft Workforce Plan – 2024-2028
Supporting notes and a summary of the Draft Operational Plan can be found here.
The public exhibition period commences Monday, 22 April 2024, with copies of each plan available for inspection on Council’s website, Council’s Facebook Page, available to view at the three Council Administration Offices at Crookwell, Taralga and Gunning and at Crookwell and Gunning libraries.
The draft plans are intended to set the direction of the Council in the forthcoming years. Public submissions in writing will be received by Council during the public exhibition period until 4.00pm, on Friday, 24 May 2024 and are to be addressed to the Council Chief Executive Officer. Before adopting the final plans, Council will take into consideration all submissions received.
All enquiries in relation to the draft plans may be directed to Council by telephone (02) 4830 1000 or by email to council@upperlachlan.nsw.gov.au
Alex Waldron
Chief Executive Officer
PO Box 42