Upper Lachlan Shire Housing Strategy Survey Statistics


Council is pleased to share the results of last year’s Housing Strategy Plan. Survey participants identified several key challenges facing housing in the Upper Lachlan Shire, including:

  • The cost of living
  • Infrastructure and servicing issues
  • Housing affordability
  • Difficulties in obtaining Government approvals
  • The costs associated with developing land
  • Access to housing for seniors

Attributes that make the Upper Lachlan Shire a desirable location for housing and population growth include:

  • 21% of respondents believe that lifestyle and community values are key factors.
  • 18% place emphasis on the importance of people and community values.
  • 13% feel that the sense of safety in the Shire is significant.
  • 12% believe the Shire offers a strong sense of place and essential character.
  • 11% consider the proximity to nearby major cities and transport routes an important reason for choosing the Shire.

Top 4 Housing Priorities for Upper Lachlan Shire

1. Affordability: 109 survey respondents identified housing affordability as a critical issue.

2. Access to Services: 114 respondents highlighted access to public services as a priority.

3. Quality of Roads: 82 respondents pointed to the quality of streetscapes and road access as essential.

4. Quality of Housing: 81 respondents expressed concerns about housing quality.

Additionally, 23% of survey participants believe that large lot housing is a priority for the Shire, while 20% identified greenfield housing as a significant focus. Furthermore, 17% of respondents noted that the cost of developing land is a primary barrier to new housing growth in the Upper Lachlan Shire, followed closely by the cost of building new houses at 16%.

Locations for New Growth in Upper Lachlan Shire

42% of respondents indicated that new housing growth should concentrate on the three main settlements: Crookwell, Gunning, and Collector. In contrast, 14% of participants believe that all settlement locations should be considered for new housing growth.

In total, 104 surveys were completed, with 93% of the responses coming from community members, 8% from organizations or community groups, and 7% from local builders. The full report is available on the Council’s website.

If you are interested in reviewing the entire report, download here: Upper Lachlan Shire Housing Strategy Survey Statistics