Works Update – 19 January 2024


The following are roadworks commenced, completed or continued in the week ending 18 January 2024, and those scheduled for the week ending 25 January 2024.

Week ending Friday 19 January 2024:

Construction Crew:

  • Dalton Road Rehab – Roadside clearing (work suspended due to wet weather).

Maintenance Grading Crew:

  • Colector Rd – Grading (work suspended due to wet weather)

Maintenance Crew:

  • Ladevale area – Clean up storm damage (work suspended due to wet weather).

Drainage Crew:

  • Repairing bog hole on Lost River Road
  • Kangaloolah Road Drainage repairs
  • Wheeo Road preparing for seal.

Grading Crew:

  • Redground Road
  • Peelwood Road

Week ending Friday 26 January 2024:

Construction crews:

  • Dalton Rd Rehab – Culvert extensions, Roadside Drainage and Gravelling.
  • Wheeo Road Rehab – gravelling and preparing for seal.

Maintenance Crew:

  • Ladevale area – Clean up storm damage.
  • Dalton/Jerrawa Road – Roadside drainage
  • Church Street, Taralga – works beginning to repair the damage in Court Street.

Maintenance Grading Crew:

  • Collector Road – Grading
  • Sheldrick’s Lane – Grading
  • Ladevale Road – Grading.

Major Works:

MR54 – Natural disaster drainage remediation works.

  • Works are programed to begin on 29th January between Alison Hone Reserve and Woodhouselee Road.
  • The road will be closed in one direction with speed restrictions in place during the day until 15th February.

MR54 – Maintenance crew continue to attend to priority maintenance issues as they arise. 

Contractor Works:

  • Heavy Patching on MR248W Boorowa Road and MR52 Gundaroo Road to address bad patches for road safety.
  • Resealing continuing/nearing completion on Cullerin Road