
A Gunning resident has plans to yarn bomb the trees in Yass Street Gunning. And not just any yarn bombs. PINK ones!
“I would love to yarn bomb our trees pink, in the main street of Gunning, to raise awareness for breast cancer and to support the national breast cancer foundation,” Melissa Robins said.
“This is also in honour of our beautiful locals who lost their battle, and for any other ladies who have had a battle with this or are still fighting it.”
Yarn bombing is the act of covering objects or structures with decorative knitted or crocheted material as a form of street art.
It is hoped that this event will result in donations to support the national breast cancer foundation. People can make a donation at the Merino Cafe or the Gunning Art Gallery, just to name a few.
The township of Gunning has shown a strong commitment to the Cancer fundraising and awareness with a range of fundraisers in recent years.
- Gunning to go PINK for Breast Cancer (27 October 2020)
- Gunning Community paints the town Pink (30 October 2020)
- Gunning goes pink … again (18 October 2021)
- Pink morning tea for Gunning (17 October 2022)
The yarn bombing of these trees for this specific occasion has been permitted by Council under the condition that no damage is done to the trees and that no danger is created to public health.
This yarn bombing will occur at the same time as the Gunning Arts Festival.
Gunning Public School goes pink 2020