
Upper Lachlan Shire Council would like to announce the introduction of a volunteer based line-marking model for sporting fields in the Upper Lachlan Shire.
Starting in the 2025 season, Council will move to a volunteer-based model for all sporting fields across our Shire. However, to assist, Council will continue to undertake the initial set-up and mark all fields at the beginning of the season.

If the volunteer-based model is unsuitable for your sporting group, a $110.00 per field per week charge is available for line marking across sporting fields within the

In the coming weeks, Council plans to hold a sports committee meeting to facilitate further consultation with sporting groups regarding the practical implications of this new change. Correspondence will be sent to each sporting club, enquiring whether they would prefer to pay the line-marking fee or opt for a volunteer-based model guided by council staff.

Mayor Paul Culhane articulated how difficult a Council decision this was: “Implementing this charge was a tough decision for several councillors, who expressed concern that it might reduce youth sports participation. As part of the review of all council services, it was felt that some charge was necessary.”

“Council will allow sporting groups to pay the fee or adopt a volunteer-based model. It is important to emphasise that the Council will still handle the initial set-up, making the
process as straightforward as possible for all sporting groups.”

“This change will be subject to an annual review by the Council as we strive to support the needs of our community while navigating the current financial challenges facing the Council.”
“Council aims to support the entire community, and while sports are a vital part of our culture, we must recognise that if line-marking continues as is, we would see a significant reduction in the upkeep of our passive recreational areas, such as playgrounds, walking trails, and toilet facilities. I encourage everyone to consider this.”

“I want to remind everyone that although this decision was difficult, I look forward to collaborating with both community members and the Council, as it will require involvement and contributions from both sides.”

Council wishes to advise that costs associated with line marking are unsustainable in the current financial climate. However, Council will continue to review the financial position across our Shire while providing services and facilities fairly and sustainably. In addition, Council will continue to work with each sporting code to ensure a smooth transition to the new model.

Furthermore, funding assistance may be available through applications with Council and through State and Federal grants designed to support local community groups, including sporting communities.