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Online surveys can be taken online until the 9th of December 2024!


PUBLIC EXHIBITION: Intention to declare new dog off-leash area

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At the Council Meeting on 21 March 2024, it was resolved to seek feedback from the community on locations for a new Dog Off-leash Area within Crookwell.

A copy of the report can be found on Council’s website here

You are invited to comment and provide feedback on a proposed new site for a Dog Off-leash Area at 40 Woodward Lane, Crookwell.  The proposed site is located to the east of and adjoins the Crookwell cemetery.

Following this consultation, a final recommendation will be reported to Council incorporating community feedback.


Feedback from the community will inform the location of the Dog Off- leash Area in the Crookwell community.

Council seeks submissions in writing opening Thursday 4 April 2024 closing Wednesday 1 May 2024 at 4.00pm.

Any person may, during the period specified above make a written submission to Council for or against the proposed site.

Submissions must be submitted in writing to:

Alex Waldron, CEO

PO Box 42 GUNNING  NSW  2581


Emailed to Alex Waldron, CEO – Council@upperlachlan.nsw.gov.au

If you have any questions about the Dog Off-leash Area, please contact Council’s Environment and Planning Department on (02) 4830 1000.

Comments are closed.