Welcome to the Towards 2042 Community Strategic Plan (CSP) project!
Every four years, each New South Wales Council must work with their community to develop a Community Strategic Plan to document the community’s aspirations and priorities. We are currently reviewing our Community Strategic Plan. Having a Community Strategic Plan ensures that our council planning originates from a sound understanding of the community’s expectations around priorities.
Council has a custodial role in initiating and preparing the Community Strategic Plan, but it is a community plan. Many partners, such as State Agencies and community groups, will be partners with Council in its implementation. The Community Strategic Plan ensures the whole community can contribute and work towards a shared vision for a better future.

Key questions we’re asking you as part of the Towards 2042 consultation include where we are now, where we want to be in ten years, how we will get there, and how we will know if we’ve been successful.
You may get involved as follows:-
- Complete the Online Survey or complete a Hard Copy Survey.
- Respond as a group using the Discussion Guide.
Towards 2042 allows us to consider what we love about where we live, what we’d like our future to look like and how we will get there.
“Let’s work together to capture a future vision that respects our unique local area and lifestyle.” Mayor Pam Kensit said.
The Towards 2042 Project is led by the Canberra Regional Joint Organisation with the following councils participating: Bega Valley Shire Council, Eurobodalla Shire Council, Goulburn Mulwaree Council, Hilltops Council, Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council, Snowy Monaro Regional Council, Snowy Valleys Council, Upper Lachlan Shire Council, Wingecarribee Shire Council, and Yass Valley Council.
Media Releases
Mayor’s column – Towards 2042 CWP Consultation Launch
Towards 2042 – Council Launches ‘Towards 2042’ Community Strategic Plan (CSP) Consultation

As Gunning grows and establishes a young family atmosphere safety of people should be held as high importance. Thus to develop paths along roads with heavy fast traffic is required as people walk and cycle (including children) along these currently unsafe pedestrian accesses to the centre of town. Also raid signage and speed limits need review and change to reflect the establishment of urban houses on the edges of Gunning. Roads which still reflect being farm areas are now residential areas however the speed limits have remained at 100km – all street considered to be within the township of Gunning should now be 60 or 50km.